Christmas Claims Calamities Quiz

Can you identify the True and False statements from Insurance Christmas past?
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Christmas Claims True Or False Quiz

1 / 12

An insurer received a claim for Santa’s sleigh crashing into a house and damaging a doorway...

2 / 12

An insurer received a claim for 2 gold rings that were mistakenly thrown out after a claimant was making mince pies

3 / 12

An insurer received a claim for a damaged cement mixer after a curious reindeer ventured onto a building site

4 / 12

An insurer received a claim for five ornamental reindeer stolen from gardens

5 / 12

Claims for damaged photocopiers increase by 90% during the festive season due to risky office Christmas party shenanigans

6 / 12

On average consumers spend 29% more on in December than during any other month

7 / 12

96% of all cyber-attacks are directed at SMEs.

8 / 12

A £25 million claim was paid out because a Santa Virus hacked and ate all of a commercial business’s cyber cookies

9 / 12

There is a special events insurance policy centered around mince pies because of their high volume of incidents, illnesses and liability claims

10 / 12

Fleet claims increase by 60% during the festive season due to distracted drivers singing Christmas songs

11 / 12

Up to 65% of small businesses’ annual revenue is generated during the Christmas season

12 / 12

Claims paid out in the UK account for 20% of all paid claims in Europe.

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