BT Redcare Closure

Does your business premises use BT Redcare Security Alarm?

Business owners will soon need to be on the look out for a new security alarm provider after the announced closure of Redcare by BT.

The closure of BT Redcare is set for August 1st 2025 (or sooner if a client’s contract renews before this date). Redcare recently announced they have ceased new orders, and the security department at BT will close. This change is set to effect over 100,000 customers and businesses, who each will need to find an alternative security solution.

Who are Redcare?

Redcare are the security division of telecoms firm, BT. Redcare’s services include providing intruder security systems and fire alarm systems. These are widely used by businesses; corporations commercial and retail; across the UK. Redcare’s main benefit is the fact that it links a professionally installed alarm system on a business’s premises to an alarm receiving centre. The result is a continuous protection of the property all year round.

Redcare are used widely by large premises including commercial, corporate retail SME and the residencies of high net worth individuals.

Many insurance brokers recommend BT Redcare because of their reputation with insurers. BT Redcare signalling solutions comply with British and European Standards for fire alarm signalling, ranging up to grade 4, which is the highest level of protection. Therefore when choosing to replace your security system, the product will need to be up to this standard.

A Redcare spokesperson has said: “As part of our strategy to simplify our business portfolio and focus on delivering core products and services for our customers, we have decided to close our Redcare business in 2025.”

A Redcare statement, said: “We have made the decision to cease all new Redcare orders with immediate effect. BT Redcare support will be in place until all services have been moved to an alternative supplier or business closure on August 1st, 2025.”

They have reassured businesses and customers that Redcare’s remote connections will still be intact and will not be affected in the short term.

What does the BT Redcare closure mean for businesses and Romero clients?

Security alarms are specifically mentioned in many insurance policy documents. It’s important clients keep their premises above the recommended security level and utilise suitable technology.

It is critical when considering a new security provider, that the technology performs at the DP level required by your policy details.

It’s also important to consider that your Redcare system may incorporate monitoring for other pieces of equipment on top of your security alarm. This could include remote monitored systems such as fire alarms and water leak detection.

Romero Insurance is recommending businesses review their security systems in advance of renewal, and act swiftly to prevent any cover issues. To do this, contact Romero Insurance Brokers to learn more.

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How business owners need to choose their new security alarm system?

We would expect clients to receive an influx of calls from a wide range of alarm maintenance companies, alarm suppliers and other companies. Please remember, the best way to choose a security alarm system is with guidance from your insurance broker Account Executive.

The factors that need to be considered are:

  • The alarm is installed by a company regulated by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) which incorporates the National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACOSS) or a company regulated by the Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB).
  • And, the alarm is to be maintained in full working order under an annual maintenance contract with an appropriate alarm maintenance company or installer regulated by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) which incorporates the National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACOSS) or a company regulated by the Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB). Insurers may require evidence of the maintenance agreement in the event of a claim.

Are there any other considerations?

In addition to the Redcare closure, BT is also in the process of rolling out a switch off of the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), due to completed by the end of December 2025.

If an alarm system (intruder or fire) uses the above networks as one ‘path’ of a dual path system they will lose this function and the system reverts to a single path system when the switch off is completed. If your insurance conditions rely on a ‘dual path’ system, this could leave you in breach of your policy.

As with the rest of this insight, if you need further advice on your alarm system and if you may need an upgrade, talk to your usual point of contact.

What are my next steps?

It is likely that closer to the switch off dates, there will be a rush for changes and upgrades to be made. This could mean long lead times for fitters and equipment. We would suggest that any businesses requiring upgrades do so as soon as possible, so as not to leave yourself open to vulnerabilities.

Please consider your options well in advance of the August 1st 2025 closure date. For help choosing a new security system, contact Romero Insurance Brokers.

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