What to do in the event of a motor accident is very simple, but can be lost in the heat of the moment. Above all it’s important to stay calm and understand that the matter will be handled by insurers, and not in that immediate moment preceding a crash.
At Romero Insurance Brokers, we’ve highlighted four rules which clients can use as best practice in the event of a motor accident.
Four things to remember in the event of a car accident or vehicle emergency:
DO obtain the other driver’s information
DO obtain the information of witnesses
Do take photographs
DO NOT admit liability
Rule 1. Obtain the driver’s information
The other driver information includes as much about their situation you can. Try to get their full name, and their number as a way to contact them. Note down their vehicle registration number as this will help us identify their policy.
Ask them for the name of their insurance provider and broker. Also try to obtain their motor insurance certificate number. The information of theirs you obtain, the easier it will be for your broker and insurer to find their policy. If you don’t have a pen or paper, you can use the notes or memos in your phone.

Rule 2. Obtain the information of witnesses
Where there are other drivers involved in the incident, perhaps pedestrians or cyclists, try to get their information as well as they could prove useful as witnesses for your claim. If any police officers are attending the scene, obtain their information as well as a number to contact them. Nearby shops or business premises may have CCTV which captured the incident, you could try contact them and ask for permission to view their surveillance footage.
Record the time and date of the crash, include any injuries from drivers or witnesses. Other drivers could have dashcam footage of the incident. Try to remain as calm as possible.

Rule 3. Take photographs
Invaluable for insurers and brokers trying to piece together the incident, try to take photographs if you have your mobile phone or camera available.
Try to include pictures of vehicles involved, picture of individuals, picture of number plates, picture of the road, picture of the location, picture of junctions, picture of signs, picture of damages, and picture of anything more you deem relevent.
Rule 4. Please do not admit liability
At no point should you as the driver admit liability or discuss blame in relation to the incident. It is vital you speak to the Romero Claims Team and follow the process before.
When safe and appropriate to do so, take photos of the accident scene. Include third parties and damaged vehicles in the photos as well as the position of the motor vehicles.
Do not drive your vehicle if it is un-roadworthy, or if you are injured and feel incapable of doing so.

Report a motor claims incident with Romero Insurance Brokers
If you’ve been involved in a motor incident, contact your broker or company account handler. We will be able to provide advice and begin processing your claim.
The best way to report a claim is through our Claims App. Sign in to our claims portal on the app and submit your report of an incident.
Or if you’d prefer, fill out our online Motor Incident report form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we are able.
For a reminder of what to do in the event of a motor emergency, print off our downloadable form here. This information can be distributed to your drivers to ensure they follow the three rules of what to do if involved in an incident.